Sign Up for Our Stand Alone Online Flower Courses and Gain Valuable New Floristry Skills

Our stand-alone Online Flower Courses are designed with the complete beginner in mind.

They included step by step tuition and full details of mechanics and recipes. You are welcome to email us if you need any support or advice picking on your training course.

How to run a Hobby Flower Workshop

Are you a florist looking to add to your income, Workshops are a great way to boost your income, rise your profits and place yourself as an expert in your field.

Janette & Deirdre share their years of training experience in running Workshops to allow you learn from the many mistakes they have made along the way.

Course Cost - €350 - 6 months access to this program

Click Here to see the Full Syllabus

Four people arranging flowers around a table, participating in a flower workshop.