A Practical Guide for Experienced Florists using alternative mechanics

Foam Free Sustainable Flower Course

The Structure of our Foam Free Sustainable Course

Your Foam Free Sustainable Course is a 4 week Program from the start date. ( see calendar here)

Per-Recorded Step By Step Tutorials that you can watch 24/7 for 365 Days.

Bloom Room Access - You will join our now famous Bloom Rooms - this Foam Free Sustainable Bloom Room will be a safe place to discuss your foam free concerns, to network with fellow florists on the same program as you & to post any questions or techniques you have come across. The Bloom Room opens on Day 1 of your program and will be monitored by your tutors for 4 weeks, Monday to Thursday. There will be 2 live classes each week where we can all catch up with each other.

What’s App Support: Like all our programs we offer you 1-2-1 what’s app support to help you and advise you when you try any of the deigns from the program. You will have what’s app support Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm for the 4 weeks of your program.

Certificate: To be certified you will be required to submit 5 designs of your choice within 6 weeks from the start date of you program. More details on this will be included in the program and in the Bloom Room.

Sundries/ Supplies & Kits: As part of this program we do not supply sundries and supplies. We do provide you with links and discount codes for may suppliers where you can decide which mechanic you wish to try or use.

Cost of Program: This program because there is not kit and supplies is €700, which includes all of the above support and training for 4 weeks ( Bonus of 365 days access to the training tutorials)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course suitable for?

This Foam Free Sustainable course is suitable for florists and floral designers already working in the industry. It is not a flower arranging or floral design course as such, it is teaching you how to use more eco friendly mechanics and floral foam alternatives in your designs. For florists and floral designers who wish to become more commercially sustainable this is the course for you.

Can I start this course at any time

No this is not an evergreen course, it is a 4 week program with a start and end date.

How often will this course be delivered

This Foam Free Course will be delivered 3 times per year only - ( see calendar here )

Is there funding available

Funding is based on peoples person circumstances, please check out out funding page here for details

I’m away on Holidays and will miss one week of the program, can I still join ?

As the program is online we suggest you try to catch up with the live Q & As in the Bloom Room , you will have 365 days access to the tutorials, but missing 1 week of the coure you will moss out on 25% of the support. Maybe you would be best waiting until the next start date.

I’m living overseas in a different time zone, will i miss out on the live classes?

No the live classes happen twice a week in the morning in out time zone, but these live classes are recorded so you can tune in later in the day or night. You can still post questions under these live classes and they will be answered in the next live class or to you by What’s App

I’m on a different time zone, how can I avail of the What’s App support?

Your tutor will work out with you what time outside our hours of 9am-3pm she can assist you with the what’s app support, you will not be left on your own

Our Foam Free Sustainable Flower Course has finally launched.

We have worked long and hard on this program to make sure the designs worked commercially in a commercial setting. We tried and tested many mechanics and give you our honest opinion on using them.

As a commercial flower school it is our responsibility to train the future florists in our industry sustainable techniques and mechanics that can also be sustainable in their business in order to pay a sustainable wage and run a financially sustainable business.

We know there are so many mechanics now available to us in the industry and by joining this program and being made a member of our Foam Free Sustainable Bloom Room, we can all share and keep ahead of trends and new innovation in foam free and sustainable techniques.