How to Avail of Funding & Grants for Our Professional Programs
At Kay's School of Floristry we can offer you advice and guidance on career choices within the flower industry.
There are various agencies that can offer career guidance for all career path and help you make informed decisions. These agencies also offer some funding for training and education and depending on your personal circumstances.
It is very important that you have done some research into the Programs / Courses you are requesting funding for. When applying you will need to be conscious that this course will enhance your career or employment prospects. (Working in the flower industry or leading to self-employment) .
Funding for the Employed
We have a few Skillnet Networks that help fund some of our Training Courses. Only certain programs are eligible for the 25% funding.
To be eligible for funding You must meet certain criteria
You must be resident in the Republic of Ireland
You must be employed full time or part time or Self Employed.
You must be a member of the Skillnet network.
See the list of Skillnet Funded Professional Courses Here
Please call us on 014538649 and we can talk you through the simple process of availing of this funding.
Funding For The Unemployed
Training Support Grant (TSG)
This is designed to fund quick access to short term training for individual jobseekers that have identified work opportunities or where Case Officers have identified an immediate skills gap that represents an obstacle to taking up a job offer.
Application for TSG Funding
Contact your local INTREO for a TSG Accreditation of Provider and Training Form. As soon as you have this send it by email to
Deirdre will complete and return with a quotation to your INTREO Office. They will be in touch with you regarding approval.
Approval of Funding
An approval/ Verification Form will be posted to the applicant. This Form will show the TSG Funding amount and must be completed by both Kay’s Flower School and yourself the applicant upon completion of the training.
This Approval form is like your cheque and must be forward on to Kays along with any balance of your course fees prior to beginning your training.
Primary Eligible Payments
Jobseeker's Allowance and Jobseekers Transition (incl. Casuals)
Jobseeker's Benefit (incl. Casuals)
Other Eligible Payments/Schemes
One Parent Family Payment
Signing for credits
Blind Pension
Deserted Wife's Benefit (DWB)
Farm/Fish Assist (FA)
Disability Allowance
Widows/Widowers Contributory or Non-Contributory Pension
Illness Benefit for 6 months or more
Qualified Adults of Jobseekers payment, who are job seeking.
Case officers may also support jobseekers who are participating on one of the Department's funded work placement programmes – as set out below – or where a person on another DSP payment, not listed above other than State pension, have an identified work/activation opportunity.
Local Employment Services, known as LES (Obair) Partnerships Schemes offer a wide range of services from career planning to job searching and they can advise you if you are entitled to funding and how and where to get it. The Social Welfare or FAS may refer you to a jobs facilitator or Training Incentive officer.
The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme | SICAP (
The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2018 – 2023 provides funding to tackle poverty and social exclusion through local engagement and partnerships between disadvantaged individuals, community organisations and public sector agencies.
SICAP addresses high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally-led approaches. It supports disadvantaged communities and individuals including unemployed people, people living in deprived areas, people with disabilities, single parent families, people on a low income, members of the Traveller and Roma community and other disadvantaged groups.
The Education Finance Board
Has a range of grants and funding for individuals. Their website provides information on course fees and details on eligibility requirements for free fees. In addition, you will find out all you need to know about other sources of assistance for students, such as the Fund for Students with Disabilities, the Back to Education Allowance, the Student Assistance Fund and the Millennium Partnership Fund. You can find answers to possible questions you may have by accessing the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section.
UK & Northern Ireland Funding
Funding is entirely depended on personal circumstances and each individual needs to research and process their funding application with different agencies.
Agencies past students have dealt with in the UK are:
Perennial - Head office: 115-117 Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SU Tel: 01372 373962 | Email: | Web:
Victims & Survivors Service - Victims & Survivors Services | Troubles & Conflict | Historical Institutional Abuse (
Advisor Discretionary Fund - Northern Ireland - Adviser Discretion Fund (ADF) | nidirect
If you are unemployed and facing financial barriers to starting or returning to work or if you’re in employment or self-employment and also face financial difficulties, your local Jobs and Benefits office may be able to help you through the Adviser Discretion Fund (ADF).