KFS Florist of the Year Awards 2024

Kay’s Flower School Celebrate National Florist Day with the launch of our inaugural KFS Florist of the Year Awards, designed to honor & celebrate the incredible talent and dedication within our floral industry. These Awards encourage you the customers and clients of large / small, local, community florists to nominate and celebrate your favorite most admired and loved florist/floral designer within six distinct categories.


  1. Florist of the Year – Overall excellence in floral artistry and service.

  2. Wedding Florist of the Year – Exceptional talent in designing beautiful wedding transformations using Flowers as a medium .

  3. Studio Florist of the Year – Innovator florists working from offsite and home studios.

  4. Retail Florist of the Year – Outstanding florists with physical retail shops.

  5. Newcomer Florist of the Year – Rising stars who have recently entered the industry.

  6. Garden Centre Florist of the Year - Excellence in floral services within garden center setting.

Important Dates:

  • Launch Date: June 8th, 2024 (National Florist Day)

  • Nominations Close: July 12th, 2024

  • Winners Announced: Wednesday 24th July, 2024 at 8 PM (Online)

How to Nominate:

Nominating your favorite florist is easy! Nominate Below, select the category, and fill out the nomination form. The florist with the most nominations in each category will be declared the winner on July 24th 2024 HERE

No Cost, No Expensive Events:

To keep the focus on celebration and recognition, there are no participation fees or required events to attend. Winners will be announced online, ensuring that everyone can be part of the celebration.

Join Us:

Celebrate the passion and creativity of florists who make our world more beautiful. Nominate your favorite florist today!

For more details and to submit your nominations, click the button below

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