How to get Peonies to open fast
When your peonies arrive in from the wholesalers, their buds are like tight golf balls and depending on the weather can take 4 -6 days to open to full bloom, unfortunately not all the blooms will open together and if you need them today for a bridal bouquet below are some tips to help them open fast.
How To Condition Peonies
Remove all foliage that will not be needed.
Cut the stem on a sharp angle to open as large a hole as possible.
Place in Quick Dip as per instructions and the transfer to a bucket of fresh cold water.
Store on a cool dark room until ready to display or use.
I need to get my peonies open fast, what should I do?
Remove all foliage that will not be needed.
Cut the stem on a sharp angle and repeat this every 4 hours.
Place stems is a vase of tepid water containing flower food
Keep the flowers in a warm bright room to encourage them to open
3 I’m panicking, I need my peonies open tomorrow, what can I do?
Cover the peonies with a large plastic bag to seal in the ethylene gas to encourage them to open faster.
Tape Ripe Bananas to the side of the bucket, to add more ethylene gas.
It’s the day of the wedding and some peonies are still not open, what can I do?
Fill a large bowl or vase with tepid water and place the peonie head directly into the water for 10 - 15 seconds - do this every 1-2 hours and you should see the bids begin to open
If your situation is critical and you need the buds open NOW, hold the head in the water and gently swish and twist the flower - you will begin to see air bubbles as the flower begins to open