Kay's Flower School

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The Sustainability Tightrope

Why Being Fully Eco-Friendly Isn't Always Roses and Sunshine for Florists & Small Retail Flower Shops

Today, we're diving into a topic that's close to all our hearts: sustainability in the floral industry. With the launch of our brand new sustainable course, it has thrown up so many questions and comments across our socials. As florists we all want to do our bit for the planet, we all want gorgeous blooms that don't cost the Earth, but let's be honest, achieving complete floral nirvana can be a financial tightrope walk for small, independent florists around the country.

Don't get me wrong, eco-conscious practices are at the core of what we do and how we train florists. We're all about supporting local growers, minimizing waste with compostable packaging and reusable containers, and rocking those low-energy LED lights in our shops. But here's the reality: truly sustainable options often come with a much steeper price tag.

Imagine this, a customer walks in wanting a specific, out-of-season flower for their wedding. Sourcing it locally might be impossible, and the most eco-friendly alternative might not have the exact shade or variety they desire. Here's the dilemma: do we say no and potentially lose a customer, or do we find that perfect bloom, even if it means it's traveled a bit further?

The truth is, small businesses have to be financially viable. We need to pay our amazing staff a living wage, keep the lights on (literally!), and afford the rent on that charming high street location. Sometimes, using slightly less sustainable methods for specific situations allows us to keep doing what we love: bringing joy through flowers, while still prioritizing eco-friendly practices whenever possible.

Here's the good news: there's a middle ground! We can be smart and strategic. We can educate our customers about the benefits of seasonal blooms and locally-sourced options. We can offer incentives for opting for eco-friendly packaging. Every little bit counts!

So, the next time you visit your favorite flower shop, remember, they're likely doing their best to navigate the sustainability tightrope. Let's support these small businesses and work together to create a more eco-conscious floral industry, one beautiful bouquet at a time!

If you are a florist or floral designer, join our community of florists doing their best for sustainability, no judgement, just support. Network with like minded florists as we navigate around techniques and mechanics we know will work for our own business, bearing in mind every business has different needs and challenges.

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