How to become a florist.

A Career As A Florist

Why should you train professionally as a Florist?

We get so many questions about training as a florist, one of the most popular being - Do I need to do a training course, I am self taught from YouTube?

Yes there are lots of amazing training videos on you tube, with our You Tube Channel probably up there as one of the most educational, however the difference between learning from YouTube and learning from a professional flower school is the commercial training.

What is Commercial Floristry Training ?

Commercial Floristry is the business of floristry and making a living from your flower business. Every loves playing with flowers and arranging them as a hobby, but those who wish to earn an income, work in the retail or event floristry world, you need to professionally train and learn the business of flowers.

What will I learn on Professional Flower Courses?

You will learn to choose the appropriate flowers and foliage for the design, the occasion, the location and the season.

  • You will learn different mechanics creating designs for different locations and occasions

  • You will know how to advise your customers on the best design using the most suitable flowers and foliage for the occasion.

  • You will learn how to cost, stem count and charge an industry standard commercial price to earn a living from your flowers.

  • You will stop overspending on Flowers and start making profit from your designs

  • You will become confident in your knowledge and skills in order to charge industry appropriate pricing

  • You will learn to market and sell to the retail and event industry

  • You will learn how to buy wholesale from local and further afield

  • You will join a support network of florists and floral designers to assist you on your flowery journey

  • And if you train at Kays Flower School we include so much more in our training and 1-2-1 access to your tutors every day during your training.

A career as a professional florist is so much more than putting a few flowers together, so much more than buying flowers and selling them on for small or no profit, so much more that making & selling door wreaths for seasonal occasions.

To work in the flower industry commercially for profit, training is most essential in order to get the return or to earn a wage working as a florist.

If you are thinking of changing career or adding to your skills , you may be eligible for funding towards your education -

check out this page for information on Irish & UK Funding Opportunities


Its Tulip Season


A Gift of Education