April News
We are thrilled here at Kays Flower School because we can now let you in on the secret we have been keeping for months. In November this year Sarah Campbell of Intrigue Design has invited us both over to be party of the Educator Team at the World renowned Intrigue Experience Conference.
Tickets went on sale last week and sold out within less than an hour. How crazy is that, so if you are one of the lucky ones to bag a seat at this elite event, we cant wait to meet you along with all the other fabulous educators in Easton Maryland in November 2023.
Done worry we will bring you along each step of the way, and those already in contact to say they have a ticket, we cant wait to meet you all in person.
Discount or Funding ?
We are once again thrilled to have the support of Skillnet in funding 25% of our Module 2 and our Module 4 programs starting on 26th April. If you live in the republic of Ireland and Work in the Republic of Ireland, you can avail of 25 % discount for these modules as Skillnet will fund this portion for you.
NEW Flower Program Coming Soon
When you don’t see us online, that doesn’t mean we are resting!! We are working away here behind the scenes for a brand new online program.
So many asked about eco-friendly - sustainable - bio-degradable mechanics for all aspects of the commercial flower industry.
This brand new program will be like no other out there, we will show you old and new sustainable skills & old and new sustainable techniques. We will show you step by step, we will give you the pros and cons, we will give you our opinion ( we are not paid by any agency to feature their products)
We will have a large section on Sustainable & Compostable Funeral designs. There will be so much to this program.
If you would like to be updated and added to our early bird list for when it is released, you can sign up here below