Kay's Flower School

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Florist of the year 2024

An Award in Floral Excellence

Over the years, we have been nominated for and won numerous awards. Being able to call ourselves an award-winning floristry school with award-winning tutors means a lot to us as a business.

Winning awards also provides ample PR opportunities to be featured in magazines, local newspapers, websites, and various social media accounts.

However, there are some drawbacks to certain awards, primarily the costs. Many awards are presented at beautiful events in fabulous hotels, but tickets for nominees and their staff can be very pricey. For those who need to travel, it may also mean additional expenses for hotel stays. This aspect often deters many people from entering awards or attending award events, even if they have been nominated.

Another issue is the lack of clarity regarding the criteria for the awards. It is not always clear what you are being judged on, who is choosing the winners, or how they are making their decisions. Is it based on skills, customer service, business acumen? The criteria are often ambiguous.

Over the years, we have always maintained that we don't need awards; we need happy customers, happy clients, and for us, happy students who will pay for our services so we can run our business.

With this in mind, over 12 months ago, we decided to introduce an award for florists, originally in Ireland only. However, we wanted this award to be chosen by the people who see the florists' work or have used their services in the past. We particularly wanted it to be eligible and not costly for anyone, yet nominees can still reap the same rewards by being nominated or in fact winning.

This is not an award for floral design per se, as one florist's design may be entirely different from another's, yet both of their customers could be equally thrilled with the work.

A happy customer or client is a returning customer or client, and as a business, that is what we strive for.

With this in mind, we have launched the KFS Florist of the Year Awards.

Customers, clients, and community members can nominate their favorite florists in six different categories up until July 12th, 2024.

Given our global audience on social media and our website, and the fact that we have trained florists all over the world, we are opening this up to florists globally.

The florist in each category with the most nominations will be announced through a live stream across our social platforms on Wednesday, July 24th.

We are so excited about these awards and hope they will become an annual event

So off you go, get nominating your deserving florist at the link below

Sponsors of KFS Florist of the Year Awards